Privacy Policy

I. Basic Provisions

1. In response to your request and in the course of mutual cooperation, we process some of your personal data that you provide to us. This document (Privacy Policy) contains information on the protection and processing of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

2. The controller of your personal data is DUO Living s.r.o., a company with its registered office at Jankovcova 1595/14, Holešovice, 170 00 Prague 7, ID No.: 07313713, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under file No. C 298602 (hereinafter referred to as "Administrator").

3. The contact details of the administrator are:

4. The controller has not appointed a data protection officer.

II. Sources and categories of personal data processed

1. The Controller processes the following personal data that you have provided to it or personal data that it has obtained on the basis of the fulfilment of your order:

  • name and surname, date of birth, birth number, nationality, marital status
  • home address and/or delivery address
  • email address, IP address, cookie
  • phone
  • bank account number
  • identity card details or a copy of the identity card
  • your employment or other source of income and the origin of the funds you will use to finance the purchase of the property (unit) 

 (the latter data will be processed for AML purposes - compliance with legal obligations set out in the legislation on certain measures against the legalization of the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing)

III. Lawful basis and purpose of the processing of personal data

1. The lawful reason for processing your personal data is:

  • ‍consent to the processing of personal data according to Article 6(1)(a) GDPRif we have asked you for such consent and if it has been granted by you;
  • the performance of the contract between you and the controller or the implementation of measures taken at your request prior to the conclusion of the contract between you and the controller pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) GDPR;
  • the fulfilment of the legal obligation of the administrator under Article 6(1)(c) GDPR;
  • the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

2. The purpose of processing personal data is:

  • the conclusion and execution of the booking contract, the contract of future sale and purchase contractconcluded between the Controller, or other companies belonging to the same group of companies as the Controller, i.e. the Daramis Group, and the personal data subject for the purpose of selling the unit and fulfilling the legal obligations arising for the Controller in connection with the performance of these contracts under the legal system of the Czech Republic or the law of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as "performance of the contract"), including
    • handing over the unit for use, management of the property in which the unit is located below, management of the land immediately related to the unit and the land serving the unit
    • ensuring claims on the unit during the warranty period 
  • offering residential and non-residential units marketed by the Administrator and other companies belonging to the same group of companies as the Administrator, i.e. the Daramis Group, including the sending of commercial communications with these offers (hereinafter referred to as "Offer") (for the purposes of the offer, your personal data will only be processed if you give your consent to the processing for this purpose)
  • the fulfilment of legal obligations towards the state and the exercise of rights and legal claims; We are required to process your personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations to the state, in particular in the context of control by public authorities, and in order to exercise our rights and legal claims, for example in the event of an unpaid debt.

The provision of personal data for the purpose of contract performance is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contracts in question. The provision of personal data for this purpose is voluntary. However, without the provision of personal data for this purpose, it is not possible to conclude or perform the contracts. 

The provision of personal data for the purpose of the offer is not a legal or contractual requirement. The provision of personal data for this purpose is voluntary and further processing is subject to your consent. The provision of personal data for the purpose of the offer (or consent to its processing for this purpose) is not a condition for the conclusion or performance of contracts.

3. The processing of personal data for the purposes of performance of the contract will not involve automated decision-making (i.e., where the decision-making process is carried out purely by technological means without human influence), including profiling. However, by agreeing to this policy, you give your explicit consent to such processing.

The processing of personal data for the purposes of the offer may include profiling, i.e. the evaluation of certain personal aspects relating to you, in particular to analyse or estimate your preferences and interests in real estate. On the basis of this evaluation, the relevant Daramis Group staff will then assess whether to approach you with an offer to sell properties that Daramis Group will market in the future.

("Profiling" means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of such data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to an individual, in particular to analyse or estimate aspects relating to his or her job performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.)

IV. Data retention period

1. The controller shall store personal data:

  • ‍for the period necessary to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and the controller and to exercise the rights and legal claims arising from these contractual relationships, The longest but for a period of 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship;
  • for as long as the consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the offer is withdrawn, The longest However, 10 yearswhere personal data are processed on the basis of consent.
  • for a period of at least 10 years those personal data that are necessary for the proper provision of the services or for the performance of all our obligations, whether these obligations arise from a contract or from generally binding legal regulations, regardless of the consent given by you, for the period of time specified by or in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2. After the expiry of the retention period, the controller shall delete the personal data.

V. Recipients of personal data (subcontractors of the controller)

1. Recipients of personal data are persons:

- mediating the offer and sale of real estate marketed by Daramis Group companies 

- involved in making payments and implementing and delivering services under the contract,

- providing website and web application development services and other services in connection with the operation of a website and application development company

- providing marketing services

- providing tax, accounting and legal services to trustees and auditors and valuers for property valuations

- arranging for the construction of properties (units) sold by the manager, negotiating and executing client changes, managing the properties (units) and dealing with any claims of defects in the properties (units)

- providing financing for the construction of real estate (units).

2. The controller does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country (non-EU country) or an international organisation.

VI. Personal data processors

1. The processing of personal data is carried out by the controller, but the following processors may also process personal data for the controller:

‍- possibly another provider of processing software services and applications, but not currently used by the administrator.

VII. Your rights

1. Under the conditions set out in the GDPR you have:

- the right to access your personal data (portability) according to Article 15 GDPR,

- the right to correct personal data according to Article 16 GDPR, or limitations on processing according to Article 18 GDPR,

- the right to erasure of personal data (right to be forgotten) according to Article 17 GDPR,

- the right to object to processing according to Article 21 GDPR,

- the right to data portability according to Article 20 GDPR a

- the right to withdraw consent to processing in writing or electronically to the address or e-mail of the controller specified in Article I. 3. of these principles.

2. If you believe that we are processing your personal data unlawfully, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection. However, we very much appreciate your willingness to address any shortcomings with us first through the data controller, whose contact details are available in Article 1. 3. of this Policy.

VIII. Personal data security conditions

1. The controller declares that it has taken all appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data.

2. The controller has taken technical measures to secure data storage and storage of personal data in paper form.

3. The controller declares that only persons authorised by it have access to the personal data.

IX. Final Provisions

1. By submitting an order from the online order form, you confirm that you have read this privacy policy and accept it in its entirety.

2. You agree to this policy by checking the consent box via the online form. By checking the consent form, you confirm that you are aware of the privacy policy and that you accept it in its entirety.

3. The administrator is entitled to change this policy. It will post the new version of the Privacy Policy on its website and will also send the new version of the Privacy Policy to the email address you have provided to the Controller.

This Privacy Policy is valid and effective as of July 1, 2024 and is available electronically at

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